3 steps how to use a free binary auto trading robot

free binary bot

For most traders, trading using automated robots is one of the preferred options, apart from saving time and thought it can also increase the win ratio. besides that, this automatic binary robot can be used for free. so for those of you who are just starting out or are already pro in trading in binary options, especially at deriv brokers, it would be nice if you tried one of these auto trading robots.

To be able to use binary auto trading for free, please follow the steps below:

1. Register at broker binary.com (deriv)

free binary bot

Why do you have to register a binary.com account first?

yes, you are indeed required to register for a binary account because this robot only supports binary.com brokers or derivatives.

so for those of you who don't have a binary derivative account, please register first CLICK HERE and follow the steps until your account is approved, or for more details on how to register at binary.com please read the article section HERE.

Is it safe and reliable to register with a broker at binary.com?

yes, the binary.com broker is very trusted and experienced in his field, this broker has been around for more than 2 centuries or more than 20 years since 2000.

2. Connect your binary account with the auto trading robot

auto trading binary

after you have successfully registered on a binary.com account, the next step is to connect your binary account with the auto trading robot.
how to connect it please CLICK HERE
to be able to connect with the robot, the robot will ask for your binary account token, for those of you who don't know how to get a binary.com token, please CLICK HERE.
if you have managed to get the binary.com token then all you have to do is copy and paste it from the robot login and click the login button.

3. Define automatic settings in the robot

after you have successfully logged in, then you first determine some settings, such as the amount of capital to be traded, how much profit you want and also determine the stop loss. then after all the settings you fill according to what you want then click the start button. and the robot will run automatically according to the command you entered earlier.
and congratulations now you can run the binary auto trading robot for free. good luck.
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